What Offers Should You Run With Affiliate Marketing

Every new person in the affiliate marketing industry will have this question in his mind. If you are an affiliate manager, you would hear this at least 10 times a day from affiliates.  Every affiliate has this question as to what offers should He run to make money online. I thought about writing a post on this topic because just now I read a blog post where this person talks about making lots of money in a particular niche. When people come to me with this question, I never tell them about a particular offer or niche.

Affiliate Marketing is a business where testing is the key to make money. Something that works for me might not work for you and vice versa. A very close friend of mine got in to affiliate marketing and copied 70% of what I do in a particular niche. Few weeks later, He stopped doing it as it did not make him any money. Few days later, He told me that He is making tons of money with a different niche. This guy has learnt his lesson and now He never asks me anything when it comes to affiliate marketing. He is happy with what He is doing because He took that extra step to research on something different and work on it. Any other guy would had given up on affiliate marketing assuming that there is no money in this business.

Success in Affiliate Marketing in my opinion is a lot about new ideas. As an affiliate marketer, you should come up with unique ideas to promote an offer. Once you come up with an idea that you feel might work, you should go ahead and implement it immediately. Implementing whatever you think will work is very important because there are already some people who are working on that idea. Yes, your idea might be unique but tomorrow someone else might think about the same idea. The difference will be that your idea was never implemented while the other guy is already making lot of cash with the idea.

I always try some unique stuff when I promote products online. People might call this crazy but I have successfully run dating ads on computer repair sites and wrinkle cream ads on travel sites which had male audience. I felt it might work and it did. I would have never done this if I asked people on whether such promotions would ever work. Because the obvious answer would had been a big NO. The idea here is to try some different ideas and see if they work. Not all ideas will always work but some unique ideas do work. A unique way to promote offers means less competition and more profits. So the next time, don’t ask anyone on what to run. Just try whatever you feel might work and it will work for you.

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